On 12 April XIII Corps attacked from Hanover toward the Elbe river. The 102d Division
moved out on the right following the spearheads of 5th Armored Division and
maintaining contact with the 84th on the left and 35th Infantry Division on the right.
In the four-day dash from the Leine to the Elbe River no great resistance was expected
nor encountered. Without reserves, without transport, without food and often without
ammunition, knowing their rear areas were in the hands of our armor the enemy had
little choice but to surrender. In the woods movements were partly screened and those
who no longer wanted to fight could at least hide. Stragglers
and malingerers continued to be flushed out of
these areas at the end of the month. For the most part, however, the enemy either
withdrew to the north, and eventually across the river, or he gave up. The chief
danger lay from by-passed units which could not always be tracked down in the neat
forests. Every patch of woods became a potential ambush. Unescorted vehicles and
small detachments therefore sometimes ran into difficulties. But the Germans have
little taste and less talent for guerrilla warfare nor did the sullen and melancholy
populace give them the support which is necessary for a real success in this kind of